“I am not interested in art as a means of making a living, but I am interested in art as a means of living a life.” Robert Henri

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Pheromone, The Insect Art of Christopher Marley

Daughter Julie gave us the book Pheromone. (2008, Pomegranate Communications, Inc, CA)

The Insect Artwork of Christopher Marley in photographs is an amazing array of botanical images. 

From the bookplate:
Christopher Marley's graceful arrangements of jewel-like anthropods and delicate betterflies transform the hitherto creepy world of insects into stunning works of art.  His keen eye for design combines with his entomological passion to produce mesmerizing kaleidoscopic bug mandalas and striking up-close-and personal single insect portraits....
Here are a couple of photos I took from the pages of this book:

These images will be fun, but challenging, to paint in oils.


  1. I am a big fan of his work. There is a wonderful video on Youtube that interviews him. Just type his name in the search engine and it will come up.

  2. I can't wait to see this in painting form!!! You definitely can do it dear sister! I love when the exhibit that comes to our town shows up for it is like one little miracle after another to look at! Thanks for the words on my blog and I hope to start some Blog Sorority art soon! Blessings and light, Amy


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